SAJ pristine clean Solutions

Bond / Exit / End of lease cleaning

Experience Exceptional End of Lease Cleaning Services for Your Bond Exit

Preparing for the end of your lease? Trust our meticulous end of lease cleaning services to ensure a seamless transition. Our expert team leaves no corner untouched, providing a comprehensive cleaning that meets the highest standards.

Service Overview

What’s Included in Our Bond Cleaning Services?

Our bond cleaning services encompass a wide array of tasks to exceed your expectations:

Thorough cleaning of every nook and cranny, ensuring no area is overlooked.
Effective stain removal techniques to eliminate stubborn marks.
Specialized pet urine stain removal services for a fresh and clean space.
Spot cleaning of walls to maintain a pristine appearance.
Cleaning of all accessible surfaces to ensure a hygienic environment.
Exterior and interior cleaning of cupboards and drawers for an organized space.
Bench tops cleaning for a polished finish.

Service Quality

  • Deep cleaning of kitchen appliances to remove grease and grime.
  • Comprehensive window cleaning, including tracks and sills, for sparkling results.
  • Removal of cobwebs to create a fresh atmosphere.
  • Thorough cleaning of sinks, taps, and shower areas for optimal hygiene.
  • Cleaning of light switches and fittings for a spotless look.
  • Tile and grout cleaning to restore their original shine.
  • Shower glass cleaning for a pristine appearance.
  • Bathroom exhaust cleaning to maintain functionality.
  • Vacuuming and mopping of all floors for a neat environment.
  • Cleaning of glass doors and spot cleaning of other doors for a clean finish.
  • Skirting boards cleaning to eliminate dust and dirt buildup.
  • Wiping down the splashback for a hygienic surface.
  • Laundry cleaning to ensure cleanliness and order.
  • Standard glass door cleaning, ensuring crystal-clear results.
  • Carpet steam cleaning included for fresh and sanitized carpets.

    Our Bond Back Guarantee Explained:

    Rest assured with our 5-day Bond Back Guarantee:

    1. After the cleaning is completed, ensure the real estate agent inspects the property within 5 days.
    2. If any issues arise, the agent will provide an inspection report.
    3. We’ll address any concerns raised in the report with a re-clean at no extra cost.

    Trust our expert team to deliver exceptional end of lease cleaning services for your bond exit. Contact us today for a stress-free transition!

Have you Any Question?

Our bond back guarantee ensures your peace of mind throughout the end of lease cleaning process. After the cleaning is complete, make sure the real estate agent inspects the property within the next 5 days. If any issues are identified in their inspection report, simply pass it on to us. We'll promptly address any concerns raised by the agent with a re-clean at no additional cost to you.
We understand the challenges of dealing with pet stains, which is why we offer specialized pet urine stain removal services. Our expert team utilizes effective techniques to eliminate pet stains, ensuring a fresh and clean space for the next occupants. While our stain removal process doesn't come with a guarantee, we strive to deliver exceptional results to meet your needs.
Absolutely! We tailor our end of lease cleaning services to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need a particular area or item within the property to be given extra attention or have any special requests, just let us know. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring your satisfaction and will accommodate your needs to deliver a thorough and comprehensive cleaning experience.

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