SAJ pristine clean Solutions

home-before home-after
About Cleaning Agency

Why will you choose our services?

As a premier provider of exceptional cleaning solutions in Australia, we are dedicated to creating immaculate spaces that surpass your imagination. Whether it’s your residence, workspace, or business venue, our committed team of cleaning professionals is poised to guarantee cleanliness and hygiene at every turn.

We are SAJ Cleaners! Learn more about us.

Call Us Now! 0430027129

Commercial & Residential Cleaning

To maintaining a clean and appealing office, commercial

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

Our professional upholstery cleaning services not only keep..

Move In Cleaning

moving into or out of a home is an exciting but also stressful time ..

Services we provide

End of renovation cleaning

When the renovation dust has settled, and the transformation ..

End of Construction Cleaning Services

End of Construction Cleaning Services ..

Pressure washing (Building/driveways, exterior)

Your trusted partner for pressure washing services
1 +
Satisfied Clients
1 +
Expert Team
1 +
Activate Project
1 +
Awards Winning
Team Members

We have a expert team to serve you.

We love what we do and we do it with passion. We value the experimentation of the message and smart incentives.
1 +

Partners in world wide

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    Pricing Plan

    We are offering the best pricing to help you!

    Whatever your cleaning needs are, we’ve got you covered. Click through to find out more about our range of cleaning services

    Yearly Save 20%

    New Business

    1-4 Employees
    Plus One-Time Bambee In-Depth HR Audit For:

    Growing Business

    20-39 Employees
    Plus One-Time Bambee In-Depth HR Audit For:

    Large Business

    Unlimited Employees
    Plus One-Time Bambee In-Depth HR Audit For:

    New Business

    1-4 Employees
    Plus One-Time Bambee In-Depth HR Audit For:

    Growing Business

    20-39 Employees
    Plus One-Time Bambee In-Depth HR Audit For:

    Large Business

    Unlimited Employees
    Plus One-Time Bambee In-Depth HR Audit For:
    Client’s Testimonials

    We are very happy for client’s reviews.

    We are SAJ Cleaners! Call us and Get Quotation.

    Call Us Now! 0430027129
    Fetaured Blog

    Learn about our latest news from blog.

    We are SAJ Cleaners! Call us and Get Quotation.

    Call Us Now! 0430027129
    Get in touch

    We want to share our location to find us easily.

    Office address

    ADL & QLD, Australia

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